Wheat flour production process

Wheat flour production process undergoes various stages.  Immediately the wheat is brought into the flour mill, it undergoes quality control testing. The wheat is received and inspected. Samples are then taken for chemical and physical analysis. After that, the wheat is graded. Wheat is then kept in bags depending on its grade as it waits to be milled. Before the wheat is milled, it has to be cleaned first. This is because the wheat contains varius foreign materials that need to be removed. The wheat is passed through different screens to remove large and small particles. A magnet is also used to remove metallic substances that can be found in the wheat.

wheat flour production process  The wheat is then passed through an aspirator which is a device like a vacuum cleaner. The aspirator will suck up any foreign materials that are lighter than the wheat. The wheat is then washed in warm water and air dried.  The next step involved in wheat flour production process is conditioning. In this process, the wheat is soaked in cold water for about 3 to 4 days or at a temperature of 46 degrees Celsius.

Wheat is then grinded where it also undergoes various processes. After that, the wheat is then processed into flour. During processing, 15 small amounts of bleaching agents are added to the flour after milling so that the flour can be decolorized. The flour is then packed into various bags and sold to retailers and consumers.